2025 Mayor's State of the Borough Address
Elected Officials
Council Agendas
Council Minutes
Archived Agendas & Minutes
Municipal Codes

Council Meetings

Council Meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month except in the case of a holiday, the meeting shall be scheduled for that Wednesday immediately following. Regular public meetings shall commence at 7:00 PM in the meeting room, 419 Sycamore Avenue on the dates indicated.

In compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, a portion of every meeting with four (4) or more members of the governing body present, shall be set aside for public comment. The governing body shall establish an acceptable length of time for individual comments.

Mayor & Council

Mayor Kim Doran Eulner
Term Expires: 12/31/27

Councilman Christopher McAvoy
Term Expires: 12/31/25
Committee Chair: Human Services-Fire Department, EMS and Fire Prevention
Committee Member: Law and Ordinance-Ordinance and Code Enforcement (Zoning and Construction)
Committee Member: Special Services-Monmouth County Health Department, SPCA and Insurance (Property Liability Health)
Council Liaison: Land Use Board
Councilwoman Devon Morton
Term Expires: 12/31/25
Committee Chair: Administration/Finance-Borough Administration, Borough Finance, Borough Attorney, Personnel, Shared Services and Labor Negotiations
Committee Member: Special Services, Monmouth County Health Dept., SPCA & Insurance
Council Liaison: Memorial Day & Environmental Commission
Councilwoman Deidre DerAsadourian
Term Expires: 12/31/25
Committee Chair: Justice Committee-Police, Municipal Court, Alliance
Committee Member: Administration/Finance-Borough Administration, Borough Finance, Borough Attorney, Personnel, Shared Services and Labor Negotiations
Committee Member: Human Services-Fire Department, EMS and Fire Prevention
Council Liaison: Safe Routes to School, Red Bank Regional Board of Education
Council President Donald Eddy
Term Expires: 12/31/27
Committee Chair: Public Works-Buildings and Grounds, Shade Tree, Recycling, Environmental, Engineering and Open Space
Committee Member: Administration/Finance-Borough Administration, Borough Finance, Borough Attorney, Personnel, Shared Services and Labor Negotiations
Committee Member: Special Services-Monmouth County Health Department, SPCA and Insurance (Property Liability Health)
Council Liaison: Local Emergency Planning Committee
Councilman Daniel Levy
Term Expires: 12/31/27
Committee Chair: Law and Ordinance-Ordinance and Code Enforcement (Zoning and Construction)
Police Commissioner: Justice-Police, Municipal Court, Alliance
Committee Member: Public Works-Buildings and Grounds, Shade Tree, Recycling, Environmental, Engineering and Open Space
Councilman Jim Daly
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Committee Chair: Board of Education Committee Member: Shade Tree, Community Gardens, Garden Club, Open Space, Special Services, Land Use Board Member