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I hope you enjoy visiting the Shrewsbury Borough Police Department website. Besides opening the lines of communication with the public, the website was designed to help you familiarize yourself with the Police Department and its officers. The website is continually being improved and you will see many changes over the next year. We hope the changes will encourage you to become more involved in working with us to continue making Shrewsbury Borough a safe community.

The Shrewsbury Borough Department continually strives to maintain our professionalism and deliver quality policing to the community. The Police Department is committed to providing law enforcement services that are fair, effective and impartially applied. The effectiveness of a law enforcement agency is dependent upon public approval and acceptance of police authority. This Department must be responsive to the community and thus has adopted a core value of "quality through continuous improvement." To that end, I wish to encourage your input.  In the website, we have provided several sections which allow you to input information regarding traffic complaints, suspicious activity, suggestions for improving service and much more.

 Again, thank you for visiting or website and please continue to forward your suggestions.



Pursuant to the December, 2021 Attorney General Guideline ''Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement Recruiting and Hiring, "The Shrewsbury Borough Police Department is committed to doing all that we can to hire staff who reflect the communities that we serve."  See N.J.S.A.52:17B-4.10.  2019 Census Data indicates that Shrewsbury Borough’s population is 93.2% White, 3.4% Asian, 1.5% Two or more races, 0.9% Hispanic and 0.6% Black.  As of December 31, 2021, the Shrewsbury Borough Police Department had 16 police officers: 87.5% were white and 12.5% were Hispanic.  As of December 31, 2021, the Shrewsbury Borough Police Department had 81.25% males and 18.75% females.  Through job fairs, such as the outreach event held by the Monmouth County Chiefs of Police at Brookdale Community College on March 8th and community and faith- based events, many held in conjunction with our County-Wide Chaplaincy Program, we will continue to enhance our efforts to seek diverse applicants to join our office.

Chief acerminaro@shrewsburyboro.com

Useful Links
Business Owners
Active Shooter Response Training
MC Special Needs Registry
Internet Purchase Exchange Zone
U-Visa & T-Visa Information